
The European Melamine Producers Association (EMPA) is a sector group of Cefic and was established in the 1990’s to represent its members in interactions with international and EU institutions, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders on matters related to melamine.


Melamine is recognized as enabler of sustainable solutions and increased durability of products in key applications for society.


We communicate to society about the benefits of melamine in the daily life. We promote the exchange of information between value chain and consumers on the safe and compliant use of melamine.


We believe in the need to bring clarity on the safe use of melamine and provide the value chain with a contact point to receive reliable information.



Jan Jaap Nusselder
(OCI Nitrogen)


Esther Agyeman-Budu
EMPA Manager

Email: eab@cefic.be

Lorena Aranda
Assistant Specialty Chemicals

Email: lar@cefic.be

European Melamine Producers Association (EMPA)
A sector group of the Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)

Rue Belliard, 40
1040 Brussels, Belgium